

admin 會議暖場 2022-12-16 10:00 107



  How do you usually prepare for a conference?

  Do you find it easy to talk to new people at a conference? Why or why not?

  At a conference, how do you decide which sessions or workshops to attend?




Hello and welcome back to the Skills 360 podcast. I'm your host Tim Simmons, and today I want to talk about how to get the most out of a conference.

The digital age has changed the way we communicate and build relationships. Andwhile it's great to be able to connect with someone on the other side of the world by email, phone, or chat apps, face to face contact is certainly not dead. In fact, in this hyperconnected world, face to face contact is even more valuable, and one of the best opportunities for face time is at a conference.


Getting the most out of a conference begins before the conference, when you plan your trip. In many cases, you'll have the option to stay at the conference venue. If so, it's worth it. And if not, then stay as close as possible. You don't want to miss out on any action because you're spending time getting to and from the conference. Andthere's lots of informal networking opportunities that can happen spontaneouslyaround the conference location. You want to be able to capitalize on those opportunities as much as possible.


Conference preparation also meanshaving an early look at the agenda or lineup oftalks and deciding which ones you want to attend. You might choose based on the topic, or because you want to meet the presenter. But don't pack your schedule. Leave some time open for a tete a tete with a prospect or a potential partner.


Now,you've probably seen people at conferences ducking out of presentations to take phone calls or madly sending emails during breaks? Don't let that be you. If at all possible, carve time out of your schedule to be truly present at the conference. Let colleagues know you'll be busy so they don't inundate you with email.


You've probably also seen people racing around trying to locate a phone charger, or apologizing because they don't have any business cards on them. These are definitely things to avoid. Come prepared. Make sure you have all the tech and business cards you might need.


So, imagine you've done all you should to prepare and you show up on the first day at the registration table. You get your name tag and your conference package and… now what? Well, I'd like to share some “dos” with you today. And in our next lesson I'll go over some important “don'ts.”

好了,想象一下,你以及備齊了所有需要準備的東西,你出現(xiàn)在第一天的登記臺。你拿到了名字卡牌,會議包,以及... 然后呢?是的,我想和你們在今天分享一些“要做的事情”。下一次課,我會過一下一些重要的“不能做的事情”。

What kind of“dos”am I talking about? Well, mynumberone suggestion is to get outand meet people. If all you want is information or learning, then you can do that online, or in a class. A conference is one of the absolute best networking opportunities around. So don't be shy. Be the first to break the ice. Other people will appreciate it. That conference room is full of potential customers and collaborators. Go find them. Be personable. And in every conversation try to establish a personal connection or something in common.That might mean a place, an interest, a mutualacquaintance, or an opinion on one of the speakers.


Speaking of speakers, it's a great idea to use the topics of their talk or workshop asa starting point for a conversation. And one thing you should do that will help you absorb and process what you learn is to take notes. Don't assume you'll remembereverything you hear. Taking notes will also help you ask good questions at the endof a talk or presentation. That's one way you can stand out, make an impression on people, and build a connection with the presenter.


Asking questions is part of a more general bit of advice: participate! That doesn't just mean in workshops or sessions. You should also be engaged via social media, by posting on the event's website as well as your own. It also means getting involved in social activities after hours. A lot of great business is conducted, and relationships built, at the pub.


But, let me give you one don't in advance of our next lesson: don't overdo it at the pub, especially early in the conference. If you have so much fun that you miss half the next day, you're wasting an opportunity.


Okay, I've talked about the importance of good preparation, staying close to theaction, and making sure you have everything you need so you’re not scramblingduring the event. I've also given you some advice for during the event, especially around networking, taking notes, and participating in everything the conference has to offer. Tune in next time and I'll cover some things to avoid, and talk about some important conference follow-up activities.


So long. And see you again soon.


  To get the most out of something: to use or enjoy something as much or as effectively as possible; “You should really do all the assignments if you want to get the most out of the course.” 充分利用某物

  Hyperconnected: using the Internet and mobile devices widely or frequently; “In this hyperconnected world, many employees feel they have to answer email outside oftheir regular work hours.” 廣泛或頻繁使用因特網(wǎng)或手機設備,超連接

  Face time: time spent with a person, as opposed to communicating on the phone or online; “Although phone and email are useful, I find that nothing is better than face time for building relationships with clients.” 面對面的時間

  Venue: the place or location of an activity or event; “We’ve decided to use the City Art Gallery as the venue for our big product launch.” 活動地點或地址

  Action: the exciting activity or events that happen in a place; “I enjoy living downtown because that's where all the action is, both in business and in night life.” 令人興奮的活動或事件

  Spontaneously: without planning; “Some of my best marketing ideas come to me spontaneously while riding the bus or walking.” 自發(fā)地

  To capitalize on something: to use an event or situation to gain an advantage; “Business networking events are great if you actually capitalize on the opportunity by talking to different people.” 利用某個事件或形勢

  Lineup: a list of people who will perform or present at an event; “I've had a look at the lineup of presenters at the conference and there are some pretty big names coming.” 出席某個活動的人的清單

  To pack something: to fill something; “Jack Welch is such a well-known speaker I’m sure we can pack the concert hall for his talk.” 填充某物

  Tête-à-tête: a private conversation; “Listen Jack, if you've got time later I’d love it if you could come by my office for a little tête-à-tête.” 私人談話

  Prospect: a potential customer; “I came out of that trade fair with a big list of great prospects who really seemed interested in our products.” 潛在客戶

  To duck out of something: to leave a place or event quietly or without being noticed; “I’ll be at this afternoon’s meeting Sofi, but I’ll have to duck out around 3:00.” 偷偷從...溜走

  Madly: in a wild, excited, or intense way; “With only 20 minutes left before the presentation, Bonnie was madly trying to get all the information packages printed.” 瘋狂地,劇烈的

  To carve out time: to create or find time for something; “I know you’re busy Carlos, but it’s so important to carve out time each day for exercise or relaxation.” 擠出做..事的時間

  To inundate: to send or give too much of something; “Since the newspaper ran a profile on our company, our receptionist has been inundated with calls about ourservices.” 發(fā)出或給出太多..., 淹沒

  To race around: to movevery quickly; “I don’t know where Jose gets his energy. He’s always racing around getting twice as much done as anyone else.” 快跑

  Dos: suggestions about what you should do in a situation; “In my first chat with clients, I like to give them a brief list of dos when it comesto personal investing.” 要做的事

  Don’ts: suggestions about what you should not do in a situation; “With 20 years of experience, I can share some important ‘don'ts’ for new salespeople.” 不要做的事

  Shy: nervous, quiet, or embarrassed in social situations; “Paul has really transformed from a shy and awkward young college grad into a confident and outgoing salesman.” 社交場合中緊張、安靜或尷尬,羞怯

  To break the ice: to do or say things that make people feel more comfortable in social situations; “At the beginning of the session, the facilitator had us walk around and talk to each other participant just to break the ice.” 打啵僵局,暖場

  Personable: friendly and easy to get along with; “Listen, if you’re having difficulty, just ask Verne for help. He’s easily the most personable guy in the office.” 容易相處的

  Mutual acquaintance: someone both you and another person know; “So Ivan, it turns out we have a mutual acquaintance: you know Hal Fuller, don’t you?” 共同的熟人

  To absorb: to learn, understand, or take in new information or ideas; “Even though the speaker was engaging, I still find it hard to absorb so much information at once.” 理解、吸收新的信息或想法

  To stand out: to be noticeable because you are different or better than others; “The job interview is your chance to say something meaningful to stand out from all the other applicants.” 脫穎而出

  Pub: an informal place for drinking alcohol; “Every Friday after work a bunch of us head to the pub just down the street from the office for a drink.” 酒吧

  To overdo it: to do too much of something; “You want to apply some pressure to close the sale, but if you overdo it the customer might be turned off.” 過分做某事

  Close to the action: near the excitement or activity of an event or place; “I'm willing to pay extra for a hotel that's close to the action at the Consumer Electronics Show.” 接近某個活動的

  To scramble: to hurry or try hard to get something; “I totally forgot I need to present at the staff meeting, so I'm scrambling to put something together.” 匆匆忙忙找,或者爭奪某物

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